November 20, 2011

Potty Talk

Things to remember when using a port-a-potty:
1. Never put sunglasses on your head and look down unless they are attached to a string
2. Even fancy pots like the ones used for Chelsea Clinton's wedding smell when it is 90 degrees.
3.Water freezes at zero degrees. Port-A-Pottys are VERY cold in the Winter.

Departure day for the "Pot" warranted a big celebration. It had been here for three years since we started developing the property, thus we had to wait until we had a functioning WC inside the house before we could have it removed.

The Loo leaves.


Ironically soon after the Port-A-Potty left we had a plugged septic system in our new tank.

Kirk the plumber to the rescue with hose and gloves. Simple fix by cleaning the filter.

Our mudroom has a small bathroom which got the first dual flush toilet. These models are Eco friendly and use a lot less water than conventional one handled toilets. We used dual flush toilets in the other bathrooms too. Sarah's favourite, Caroma Sydney Kirk's favourite "Anyone you like dear providing I do not have to install it".

Super Bowl!

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